How to Copy Installed Course Content to a New Course

Here are instructions on how to copy course content from a colleague or from your own course to a new class of yours in the install version.

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By  Pierre Emond 

Date of Creation: 2022-08-11

Last Update: 2023-02-01


This feature is only available on installed Teacher HUB apps starting with version 6.04.3.  You can only copy content created in your school database, either local or cloud.  It will be offered later on the SmartClass Teacher HUB web app. 


1- Open Teacher HUB  SC Teacher Hub or SC Media Teacher

2- Login to your account and create a new class and a new course: 

Click on the new class icon.

New class icon

Enter a name for your course and your class and click create (x2).

Create class and course

3- Open your newly created class

Class and Course Field

4-  Select “No, Create own activities” in the "Explore Content" panel

No, create own activities option

5- Select “Create Activities” in the top menu: 

Create Activities

6- Here are the 4 steps to select the course to be copied:

(1) Click on the 2 folders icon to open LOCAL Shared Documents

(2) Select your colleague’s name (or yours)

(3) Click on the class you want to copy the course from

(4) Click on “View Documents”

Local Shared Documents

7- Wait for the list of documents to show, you can select "Activities" to validate it is the course you want, then click on “Add Course” to start copying activities. 

Shared Documents 

8- A window will inform you of the import progression. It will close when it is finished.
Progressing indicator


9- When the panel closes, the new folders in your course/class will be exactly as in the original class. You are now ready to add your students and assign activities.



  1. You can only copy 1 course to a new class/course.
    If you want to add content created from a second course, you will need to copy each activity manually, one at a time.
  2. You can copy from any colleague that has not selected “Opt-out from sharing” in the “All classes” window.
  3. If you need to install TeacherHUB, check with your IT department or your Robotel representative to know what version should be installed.   
  4. All the classes in that course will share the same content and have the same folders available for students. 


Contact us if you would like more information.